hay hombres que se acuestan pensando en el sexo y se despiertan con la solución en la mano :) y usted tiene la solución para mi, bienvenido
there are men who go to bed thinking about sex and wake up with solution in hand :) and you've got the solution to my, welcome
I look,I wish,I smile,I speak,I approach.I watch,I reckon,I hear you,smile.You relax,you approach,trust me,talked.My impertinence,your shynessMy insistence,your insecurityMy desire,your fearMy desire,I wish,I wish,I want you.I want to ...It!Not because I sayBut your desire says otherwise bulky!And my folly, a weaknessMy cunning, your innocenceSeduction, determination,rapid heartbeat.Your hands, my depthyour body, mine,your kisses, mine,my mouth, your body,my hands, your breathing,movement, movementrising, falling.Your moans, my moans, your moans, mineYou go!You're coming!I'm going!I went!Guilt. Guilt.More ever!(Until we start again tomorrow).
I love to see you smileWhen the spring as water caressesOn the floor of my brown skin HybridI love seeing you sighAfter a tour of my fingersIt will cause your back to quarantineI love that habit of kissingAmong my neck and shouldersThey do love a form of artwork.
My body is still shakingmy lips still numbwas a magical night: that madnesswhen daylight was gonefaded as the dim light of the room.I love you still hear theirI still feel your heartbeatstill perceive its silhouette that beautywhen daylight was gonefaded as the dim light of the room.I still have their fingers markedon my back, fire and desirestill savoring his lips: that tendernesswhen daylight was gone.fadedas the dim light of the room.Today awake and calmeryou just call and askyou clear this doubtif this love fleeting and madnessit was love of truth or fantasy.
Come do not be afraiddelves into my body, make me yourssatisfies me, your thirst for love,rises slowly and dip my shoresthat latent going to your mouthfeel the trembling of my bodyI was begging to go crazy.Do not stop, slow downis cast between my hugsLebanese now my scent of womanmake me burst with pleasureMake me scream like neverlet me drown in your being.
Say with your mouth that you love metouch me, possess me,make me feel the instant of ussua me, make me vibrate,Walking with your hands my wishlistlove me, love me .... love me.
I WILL TELL MY DREAM LAST NIGHT, I dreamed it was my first time, I dreamed that I looked and flirted with me and suddenly beside me baring my body, I felt as his tongue entered my hole. I asked him to give me that thing was very hot and we did not think twice, I grabbed my waist and lift me over the buttocks and in one motion I got all his cock in seconds not had a cock over 21 inches in my ass giving me strong and hitting with their eggs on mine. at this moment I woke up and my penis hard state from on then
I keep falling into you while you sink into my body, I overcome my kisses caresses soak, reborn with the moon embracing the sun, without fear of love, the stench of a heart feelings calcining asleep trying to live today, breathing is controlled engrossed feelings, opening the doors to merepleasure, free warm, wet mouth kissing purulent door sublimity of hedonism without cynicism masturbating by your scent.
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